Community Fitness Sarajevo

Patriotske lige 35, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Predstavljamo "Community Fitness Open" – Svi mogu učestvovati! / Introducing the "Community Fitness Open" – Everyone Can Join!

Community Fitness Sarajevo 24 février 2025 à 20:03


Dragi / a First name,

CrossFit Open je godišnje globalno takmičenje u kojem sportisti svih nivoa testiraju svoju spremnost kroz niz treninga. To je sjajan izazov i svako može učestvovati! Ako želite da se takmičite u zvaničnom CrossFit Open-u, potpuno vas podržavamo, ali kao vlasnici, odlučili smo da ne učestvujemo niti ga promovišemo. Više o tome zasto smo donijeli ovu odluku možete pronaći u post-u 16.08.2024.

Želimo medjutim zadržati takmičarski duh Open-a, koji je zabavan i dostupan svima, te zato pokrećemo Community Fitness Open—naše interno takmičenje od 3 sedmice! Evo osnovnih informacija:

Početak krajem aprila
3 treninga u 3 sedmice (Scaled & RX kategorije)
Nakon 3 sedmice, 5 najboljih iz svake kategorije prolazi u specijalni finalni trening u sedmici 4
Finale + after party! 🎉
Kotizacija: 20 KM (za finansiranje after partyja)

Više detalja uskoro, ali za sada—pripremite se! Ovo je sjajna prilika da testirate svoju formu, izazovete sebe i uživate u druženju sa zajednicom.

Javite nam ako ste zainteresovani!

Amila & Chris


Dear First name,

The CrossFit Open is an annual global competition where athletes of all levels test their fitness through a series of workouts. It’s a great challenge, and anyone can participate! If you want to take part in the official CrossFit Open, we fully support you, but as owners, we have decided not to compete or promote it. Instead, you can refer back to our update from August 16, 2024, regarding our gym’s direction.

Introducing the "Community Fitness Open"!
We believe in keeping the competitive spirit alive while making it fun and inclusive for everyone. That’s why we’re launching the Community Fitness Open—our own 3-week in-house competition! Here’s what you need to know:

Starts at the end of April
3 workouts over 3 weeks (Scaled & RX divisions available)
After 3 weeks, the top 5 from each division will move on to a final special workout in week 4
Finals followed by an epic after-party! 🎉
Participation fee: 20 KM (to help fund the after-party)

More details coming soon, but for now—get excited! This is a great way to challenge yourself, test your fitness, and have fun with the community.

Let us know if you’re in!

Amila & Chris

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Athlete Hour...🤗

Community Fitness Sarajevo 9 janvier 2025 à 16:22


Od ove subote (11.01) pored uobicajenog skill casa u 8h I timskog treninga u 9h , nudit cemo I trening u 10h! Ovaj class zovemo Athlete Hour I traje od 10h do 11:30h. Ovaj trening bit ce koncipiran na sljedeci nacin:

Nema klasicnog cochinga kao u nasim ostalim casovima. Svi oni koji se budu zeljeli prikljuciti se sami zagrijavaju od 10h do otprilike 10:20 nakon cega krecemo sa treningom. Treninge cemo uvijek raditi I Chris I ja, I treninzi ce biti duzi I nesto kompleksniji ,ali I dalje prilagodljivi svima.

Cilj ovog druzenja je da odradimo dobar trening I dobro se zabavimo, te da oni ljudi koji mozda imaju I takmicarske aspiracije iskuse kako je raditi nesto kompleksnije treninge. Treninge cete kao I za sve ostale casove ucijek moci vidjeti u nasoj aplikaciji.

Ukoliko ima bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno se obratite bilo kome od trenera.

Nadam se da se vidimo u sto vecem broju!


Starting this Saturday (January 11th), in addition to the usual skill class at 8 a.m. and team training at 9 a.m. we will also offer a session at 10 a.m! 

We call this class Athlete Hour and it lasts from 10 am to 11:30 am. This training will be designed in the following way:

There is no classic coaching like in our other classes. All those who want to join warm up on their own from 10:00 a.m. to approximately 10:20 a.m., after which we start the workout. The workout will be longer and somewhat more complex, but still adaptable to everyone.

The goal of this gathering is to do a good workout and have fun, and for those people who may have competitive aspirations to experience what it's like to do somewhat more complex training. You will be able to see the training sessions in our application, just like our other classes.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the coaches

Hope to see many of you there!.

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Current Situation and Reaction

Community Fitness Sarajevo 16 août 2024 à 14:55


Dragi članovi,

S neizmjernom tugom s vama dijelimo da je naš dragi prijatelj Lazar Đukić tragično je preminuo tokom CrossFit Gamesa 08 augusta. Ovaj razorni gubitak duboko nas je pogodio, i nakon pažljivog razmatranja, donijeli smo odluku da prekinemo našu saradnju s CrossFitom Inc organizacijom.

Ova odluka proizlazi iz naše duboke ljubavi i poštovanja prema Lazaru, te našeg uvjerenja da sport treba slaviti i poštovati život, a ne ga oduzimati. Ne možemo, s čistom savješću, nastaviti podržavati organizaciju koja je pokazala takvo nepoštovanje prema njegovom životu i svim atletama koji onog trenutka kad izađu na takmicenje vjeruju da se organizator pobrinuo za to da budu sigurni.

Molimo vas da budete sigurni da se ništa neće promijeniti u vezi s našim treninzima, rasporedom časova, niti zajednicom koju smo zajedno izgradili. Nastavit ćemo pružati isti nivo posvećenosti i brige na koji ste navikli. Jedina promjena bit će naše distanciranje od CrossFit brenda i organizacije.

Hvala vam na razumijevanju i podršci u ovom izuzetno teškom periodu.

S teškim srcem,

Amila & Chris

Link to Instagram:


Dear Members,

It is with a heavy heart that we share some difficult news with you. Our dear friend, Lazar Djukic, tragically passed away during the CrossFit Games. This devastating loss has profoundly affected us, and after careful consideration, we have made the decision to end our affiliation with CrossFit.

This decision stems from our deep respect and love for Lazar, and our belief that sport should honor and celebrate life, not take it away. We cannot, in good conscience, continue to support an organization that has shown such disrespect to his memory.

Please rest assured that nothing will change regarding our coaching, class schedule, or the community we have built together. We will continue to provide the same level of dedication and care that you have come to expect from us. The only change will be our disassociation from the CrossFit brand and organization.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this incredibly difficult time.

With heavy hearts,

Amila & Chris

Link to Instagram:

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