White Bull CrossFit

Rue d'Idalie 9, Ixelles 1050, Belgium


Short version - March NL + Reminder!

White Bull CrossFit 12 de marzo de 2025, 22:31

Happy March fam, and (hopefully) we can joyously anticipate the return of Spring and “good” weather… ie Belgian expectation: read blueish-greyish sky with a hint of sun spat in your face for a brief 15-45min per day… savour it… SAVOUR IT DAMNIT! Vitamin D for life!

As always please find a shorter version of the NL with the main info. Enjoy the read and may it compensate for the remaining 7h of sun… or lack thereof! :)

1. First things first - Agenda!

Reminder to register for the Friday night event and/or Pre-postpartum training info session/masterclass Saturday 15 March.

All our dates and events can be found here for 2025.

Next events you will not want to miss:

- Last Open wod culminating with a little party this Friday 14th, WB Open event 3 + party.

- Pregnant & post partum training seminar Saturday 15th March

    Our friend coach Nica, a certified L2 CrossFitter and Pre-postpartum trainer will be giving a masterclass on how to approach exercising and training when pregnant or after giving birth at our box. A useful and crucial topic for a few of our members that have given birth recently or will do sometime soon. And if not you personally, precious knowledge to take with you whether for the future or if you have friends or family concerned. 

    - Running seminar Saturday 23rd April

      Those who attended the first one know how important it is to have good running form (and more importantly how 99% of us unknowingly have “meh” running form… :p Don’t miss this second edition which promises to bring more knowledge bombs and funky exercises to perfect your running stance. Joggers assemble!

      2. News & updates

      - We'll be starting our second 6-week cycle next Monday - expect an emphasis on squatting and deadlifting/hinging. Fun compound and strength building times ahead ;)

      - If you ordered any merch, don’t forget to come and collect it at the desk. We have received most pre-March orders of WB T-shirts, Stamina gear and Nutripure supplements.

      - We will soon have a new Gym phone (yay),Whatsapp/HustleUp chat groups for the specialty classes will be created this month :)

      - If you are free on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th April, a lot of our members will be participating in the Belgian Mechelen Hyrox race. Drop by to cheer them on, a few of us will be there to do so. It’s bound to be fun and have a great atmosphere.

      - Last but not least, your regular reminder to please leave us a little review on google or apple, it helps!  For every review you will receive a White Bull sticker as a reward ;) Come and ask for it at the desk!

      3. Community rules

      - As our community grows (and yes, rejoice, we are not that far away from a full thriving box ), please keep in mind to not start putting away your equipment before everyone is done. Even if you killed it and finished in 3min… use the remaining time in the wod to cheer the other members of the class on. There will be enough time to put all the equipment away once the time cap is up. The essence of Crossfit is in community support and suffering through a tough workout together :)

      Much love!

      Yours truly, WB

      Reminder: Make the most of our referral program, bring a friend along for a free trial, if he/she registers for a membership, you get 1 month for free and they get registration fees offered.

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          WB Open wod tomorrow

          White Bull CrossFit 28 de febrero de 2025, 10:56

          Aloha fam!

          Last bits of info before lift-off tomorrow for the first Open Wod of the season (1/3) for those who are registered, and hopefully excited, about a slightly different approach and an all-out effort feeling. If it's your first one ever, welcome to the (FUN) jungle! ;)

          - The workout was announced yesterday evening and it's going to be a iron lung burning one (cardio baby).

          - As announced last week, we'll print scorecard sheets out so you can keep track of your reps and how far you were able to push. You'll judge your friend/partner/other member and be judged in return. This is specific to the Open and the way the sport of CrossFit scores athletes. It's also a way to keep yourself accountable as to what you are capable of, how you can know your body and limits even more and push yourself to that red zone (every now and then not a bad thing to try, even once a year) while also making sure you're using perfect technique and described/prescribed quality movement. If you're not familiar with the infamous CrossFit "No Rep", get ready to possibly taste some frustration (with love and compassion :p) and make sure you fully extend, go for that ROM (range of motion) sweet spot and stay consistent.

          - As there are not many people on waiting list and the 3rd class is pretty empty we will not be adding additional spots and an additional class so we have added "Open Gym' back to the schedule from 13h15 to 15h as usual so you can register to do your thang if preferred.

          - We will have delicious snacks and drinks by our amazing friend and member Méni (whom you no doubt all remember from the delicious food he prepared for our 1 year anniversary)

          Most importantly, it's all bout fun and fitness and you against you! If you know the White Bull approach and mentality (by now), you know we will make you feel comfortable and safe while challenging you and having sweaty fun in the process :D

          Hut hut! What what!

          Much love and see you tomorrow peeps!


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          WB Open season

          White Bull CrossFit 21 de febrero de 2025, 13:04


          For those of you not on Instagram (and those who are but want a bit more info ;)), you'll know we won't be doing the CrossFit Open officially (whether participating or judging) but we will be hosting 3 Open Wods at the box, our very own "WB Open" based on the global wods (slightly adapted if need be):

          - Saturday 1 March

          - Saturday 8 March

          - Friday 14 March ("Friday night lights" wods + party)

          The aim is to have the usual class times and go in waves with athletes working-out and judging each other. We'll have snacks and drinks and good vibes and top it off with a Friday night lights vibes party :) We want to make it as fun, inclusive and challenging as the WB sauce you know and love can make it. See it as your annual 3-week challenge to go that little 1% extra hard or test yourself and discover which movement is your potential achilles' heel you need to work on.

          Depending on interest and turn-out (if we see the waiting lists explode) we might adapt the class attendance or add a class/slot during open gym. More info to come closer to date. Don't hesitate to ask us about it at the desk ;)

          Hopefully see a lot of you then.

          Much love


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          Rue d'Idalie 9, Ixelles 1050, Belgium
          Contactar con White Bull CrossFit