The Workshop Rules

The Workshop Training & Fitness 26 juin 2024 à 21:59

Gym Rules:

Use of chalk: Make sure you clean up after yourself.

Equipment: Put everything back in its original place. If you hand over equipment to someone else, inform them where it was originally stored. When using benches, make sure to bring a towel.

Music: There are two mobile phones in each room with Rod's and Caroline’s Spotify accounts. If you are not alone, respect each other’s music choices.

Bookings & Etiquette: This is a community, not a commercial gym.

Bookings are important during peak hours both open gym & Classes. don’t expect to take the space of others if you didn't book.

Communication is key, share Space & equipment. help each other and leave the ego at the door.

Steel Plates: Silver Power Bar & Still Powerlifting plates are private equipment of the power lifters.

Changing Room Rules:

Key Box In this key box, you will find the key for the changing room and the yellow gate key. Make sure to put them back immediately after use. Follow the toilet and shower instructions as they are written down. You can leave your belongings there.

Gym Access:

There are two storage rooms outside with no doors. In the first one, you will find another key box with the gym keys. Make sure to put them back immediately after use. When opening the gym, place a wet cloth Front and Back door to avoid any footprints.

Additional Rules for Opening and Closing:

If you plan to go at a different time than usual, always message Coach Rod and ask for permission, I need to know who opened and closed the gym. Remember, this is private property, and if you opened or closed the gym, you are responsible.

When closing, make sure all lights & Speakers are off and all doors and windows are fully closed. When opening and closing the gym, always text me.

Kitchenette & Fridge:

The water dispenser is for staff only. Payments for drinks or bars should be done immediately via Revolut.If there’s no coach present, do not touch or take any supplements before the coach or the person in charge is available. In that case, there is a vending machine in the court. We’re giving you access to enter the gym, so please follow these simple steps.

Kitchenette: Coffee is free for everyone. We have a kettle and a coffee machine, so feel free to use them. We also have a microwave.

Membership & Packages: Please avoid paying via Revolut. Preferred payment methods are bank transfer, ResaPayment, or cash.

Respect the space of others and communicate.

Whats App Chat Rules:

This chat is for daily updates and an easy way to communicate.

You can share goals, talk about your sessions, and share videos or pictures related to the gym.

You’re allowed to post memes related to our sports.

Joke with your mates in a polite way and don’t get off the subject. Why? Because there are around 50 people in this chat.

Motivate and inspire each other.

Volver a The Workshop Training & Fitness